Members Get More

We make it easy to join with our online application. All you need is a few minutes and bits of information to open your account and become an owner of the credit union.

We Are the Transportation Community’s Credit Union

Benefit from Competitive Rates

Financial Education Designed To Help Meet Your Goals

Convenient Digital Banking

Join Today    

To get started online, the following is needed:

  • Social Security Number
  • Driver’s License
  • Contact Information
  • Valid email Address

Get the Most From Your New Membership

  • Set up your checking account
  • Order your debit card
  • Log in to Online Banking
  • Set up Direct Deposit
  • Sign up for eStatements
  • Download the Transportation FCU mobile app
  • Check out all the products we have to offer

If you prefer to open your account in person: Mail your completed membership application and Account Security Password form or stop by any branch. 

Join Today

Q: What makes Transportation FCU different?
Transportation Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial institution owned and controlled by its members. We provide financial services and solutions to fit your lifestyle – from accounts to help beginner savers to savings tools for retirement, and financing options for everything in between. Driven by a philosophy of Different Roads, One Destination, our core purpose is to enhance your financial well-being.

Q: What employee groups do you serve?
We serve transportation community employees, their family members, and active or retired employees, military personnel, or contractors of:

  • U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Department of Maritime Administration
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Federal Railroad Association
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

If you don’t belong to any of the groups listed, membership can still be yours. You can become a member of our partner the American Consumer Council, a non-profit membership organization dedicated to consumer education, advocacy, and financial literacy. We can provide you with a complimentary ACC membership and you too can start enjoying the benefits of joining Transportation FCU

Q: How can the members own the credit union?
Instead of a small panel of investors solely interested in maximizing their profits, each of our members has one (1) $5 share in the credit union. That makes each member an equal owner in the credit union. As owners, each year they elect their Board of Directors. The Board of Directors sets policies, including dividends and interest rates.

Q: How does the credit union compete in today’s market?
We survey our competitors monthly to compare our rates and consistently place at or near the top of the list. Every decision we make is driven by our commitment to helping lead the way to the financial wellness and security of our members.

Q: Are my deposits insured?
 The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund is the federal fund created by Congress in 1970 to insure member deposits in federally insured credit unions. Administered by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), provides members with at least $250,000 of insurance at a federally insured credit union. The Share Insurance Fund is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. An additional $250,000 of coverage is provided by Excess Share Insurance (ESI), a private corporation. Traditional and Roth IRAs are separately insured up to $250,000 by NCUA and up to an additional $250,000 through ESI, all at no cost to our members.

Once you open an account at Transportation FCU, you become a member for life. All it takes is an initial $5 deposit and a few other documents and information.

  • Completed membership application
  • Completed account security password form
  • Copy of a government-issued photo identification (driver’s license or state-issued ID)
  • Previous home address (if you have lived at your current home for less than two years)
  • Social Security number
  • Check to fund your new account and the one-time $5 membership deposit
  • Proof of eligibility (employer paystub or completed family membership section on membership application)

Bring everything with you to a nearby branch or mail it to:

Transportation Federal Credit Union
Attn: Member Contact Center
PO Box 25947
Alexandria, VA 22313-9809

For over 85 years, we’ve proudly served the transportation community and remain committed to our core purpose of enhancing the financial well-being of our members.

In observance of the Presidents' Day holiday, the credit union will be closed on Monday, February 17th. If you would like to conduct a transaction in the interim, please feel free to use Online Banking, Mobile Banking or any of our nationwide ATMs. Have a wonderful and safe holiday.24/7 Access